Introduction to the Special Issue: Intuition and Practitioner Research


  • Richard J. Sampson Rikkyo University
  • Richard S. Pinner Sophia University


intuition, practitioner research, reflection, tacit knowledge, teacher decision-making


This editorial introduction provides both an overview of thinking concerning the concept of intuition in the fields of psychology and education, as well as the articles contributed to this special issue. Whilst commencing by defining the term intuition, we also note the stigma attached to this way of thinking via an anecdote from one of our contexts of teaching. We then provide concrete examples of the kinds of rapid decision-making in which teachers engage on a daily basis, arguing that intuition is fundamental to pedagogical practice. The editorial next touches upon the relationship between intuition and reflection, and the ways in which reflection may help or hinder our momentary decision-making as practitioners. Before providing a brief summary of each of the articles composing this special issue, we finally link the importance of intuition to the process of classroom practitioner research.



How to Cite

Sampson, R. J., & Pinner, R. S. (2023). Introduction to the Special Issue: Intuition and Practitioner Research. The Journal for the Psychology of Language Learning, 5(2), 1-8. Retrieved from